May has been a pretty busy month.
Haha – actually this whole year has been busy. I was talking to my (almost) mother in love the other night & she asked me how much I had been traveling this year…
I quickly realized that so many of us are busy doing life & getting important things done. It’s easy to let the “what’s next” mentality get in the way of enjoying the moments that are happening today.
This week my dad grabbed me & hugged me – he took my hands & said to me, “This is the GREATEST season of your life. Enjoy it!”
& you know what… Today I wanted to stop & just encourage you!
If you are reading this – you are alive.
You have breath in your body… You are a walking gift from God.
God has more for you than what you know now, than what you have known in the past, & He has even greater than what you think is ahead of you. Today – if your life is great | if your current situation isn’t so great at the moment.
I want to tell you… God has EVEN GREATER ahead than you can think or imagine. So we can’t get stuck in the failures/wins of yesterday or even the victories/losses of the moment – The reason we cannot let ourselves get stuck is because there is ALWAYS more with God! It’s never over & the FINAL word is ALWAYS God!
Isaiah 43: 18-19
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness & streams in the wasteland.”
God is a creative God. He never does one thing & leaves it at the beginning stages… He is always calling us deeper | bringing us higher | & pushing us into greater things that He has! In your greatest & in your worst times, God has an intricate plan for you to win! So we need to follow the right voice. It’s so important to not just move forward… the BEST WAY is always to be moving with God!
Job 17:9
“The righteous keep moving forward, & those with clean hands become stronger & stronger.”
I want to be stronger & stronger. I want to move with God… & I’m sure you want to move forward in the BEST ways as well! So it’s important to understand that in our desire to press into the Lords way… We must be humble & teachable… (I know first hand this is not always easy to do) 🙂 but we can do this!! – not because we are perfect! Righteousness does not mean perfection… it means, “to be in right standing with God.”
To be in right standing with God does not mean that you are perfect. It means that you are consciously pursuing God & living in a way that glorifies & honors Him! It means that you fight to have nothing in-between you & God! Too often we entertain the lies of the enemy… We allow insecurity | sin | shame | unforgiveness | hurt | or even immaturity to get in the way of Gods best for us. But just because this has happened – does not mean it’s over for you.
GOD HAS GREATNESS FOR US! God is for us & not against us – we can have hope! In the Bible it also says, “No weapon formed against you shall prosper.” But that doesn’t mean weapons won’t be formed against you. If you are living for God & you want to honor Him, the enemy hates you… But you belong to God. He is the one in control, so there’s no reason to fear…
Philippians 3:12
“Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own.”
We forget who the enemy is… it’s not people around us, it’s not what we don’t like, it’s not the uncontrollable things in life. THE ENEMY IS THE DEVIL. & he only has the authority you give him…. I think it’s so easy to get discouraged, to feel like you cannot possibly be all that God has created you to be because of your past, or even because of your life currently. But that’s the amazing thing about God. He is ALWAYS with you & He is for you.
I love that the Bible tells us that, “There is nothing that can separate you from the love of God.” God loves you! Right where you are. Whether you are on the mountain or in the mud right now. God loves you – & your BEST DAYS ARE AHEAD!
Proverbs 4:26
“Keep your eyes focused on what is right, & look straight ahead to what is good.”
So lets stay focused on the God things – Let’s be kingdom minded in all we do. An easy way to do this is to think before you act or speak… “Does this glorify God? Does this contribute to the kingdom?”
In Exodus the Bible talks about Manna. The Israelites were wandering in the desert… On the way to their promise – & God provided them food every day called manna which means, “The bread of life”… That is exactly what the word of God is for us. We need it EVERY DAY! It’s not enough to store it up from the past! The manna in Exodus would mold & rot by the next day if people tried to store it up… God wants to give you a NEW perspective & NEW strength every day! & that means you cannot rely on something that sustained you in the past.
Where God is taking you will require deeper revelation | a greater maturity to carry it out | & more passion to pursue where He is leading you than ever before! Don’t be satisfied with less than God has for you. He wants to be present with you in every moment! He has a new revelation & new wisdom for you every day.
1 Corinthians 9:24-25
“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.”
Let’s run to win!
When you run (physically in life) – You cannot look to your right or left & especially not behind you & be effectively headed towards a goal! It’s the same in your life with God. We have to have the right nourishment & hydration | we must train & prepare | but most importantly – Only we can choose to act & live… Focused on our HIGHER CALL, which is to point people to God & to have enough fruit that people can follow.
It’s never about perfection with God. You are never too far, & also you can never be too close to Him. God is calling us into His presence | into His reality | so that we aren’t just another person living in the earth… But I know for me, my greatest desire is that I use all of my life to serve God & others | to help people find hope & healing | & to fight to be all that God created me to be no matter what happens in life!
Don’t give up!!!
The good thing is that you don’t have to run alone. Get aligned with like-minded people that will push you & encourage you when you don’t even realize you need it. God is for you! He has amazing things ahead! Speed bumps were never meant to stop you!
Get over what you need to get over.
Get past what you need to get past.
& take on all the greatness God has for you!!
So I wanna say to you what my dad said to me, because it’s true…
This is the GREATEST season of your life. Enjoy it!
Amen! ❤️ I needed this today!
YESS!! 🙂 I am glad it helped!