Love Fiercely




Hi! I’m Keela. I was born & raised in the best place to live – TEXAS. As long as I can remember, I’ve been very passionate about the things & people I love. Since I was a little girl – I loved the word | idea | & thoughts having to do with LOVE. I think that love is many times what we long for the most & even look for in life. However, we desire something to be given to us that we do not often give without a great price.

Love is something we many times lack in our own lives because we simply do not give it. But what I have learned is that love is even beyond a choice… It is a way of life! People say, “I’m a lover – not a fighter.” In my opinion, you HAVE to be a fighter to be a great lover. Loving yourself & others is not easy, but I believe if we can choose to LOVE FIERCELY, which means {To love with a brave, heartfelt power & intensity} – we will see not only our lives change for the better, but the world around us will change as well. Because love is not based on others actions | feelings | or even if they love you back. To LOVE FIERCELY is to understand that it is a way of living, based on God {who is love} & your ability to give love as well as be love to others comes from Him.

I married Cole on June 1st 2017 – Cole has taught me a new depth to love – I am so grateful for him making me his wife & a mom. We have two boys, Arik & Kaln. They have changed my life, my thought process & deepened my ability to love like I never knew possible! I had the privilege to grow up in an incredible family. I am the middle kid, which tends to mean you are the most unique one in your family. I am so grateful to be a part of a family that has taught me to love deeply | live boldly | & choose to strive to be my best everyday. They have also taught us about legacy & what it means to stand out & be leaders for God in a world that so desperately needs Him. I grew up traveling the world with my family singing & doing ministry.

My goal in life is simply to love the Lord God with all my heart, soul, mind, & strength, in addition to loving others as myself. The words LOVE FIERCELY actually explains who I am as a person, who I strive to be, & who I am fighting every day to become. I love REAL people, I think that every person has something powerful & unique to give the world. I believe that while the enemy has a plan, God’s plan is greater. It is our pain He turns into promise | our opposition He makes into opportunity | & God is so faithful, He uses what we think as useless | & He forges them into powerful weapons against the enemy. Our lives – your story is significant, it has so much meaning. God leaves nothing wasted. In the Bible, it says that He turns our ashes into beauty, & another verse states that God gives a crown to those who stand firm against the trial.

I hope that in following my journey you are inspired to let God have it all. I hope that you are able to see & read the realness in my journey to choose to give Him the good | the bad | the stuff no one knows about… EVERYTHING! My heart is to help inspire others to live in the authority that God has already given you! I hope that as I share my life & my heart you can learn to choose to live as a victorious loving warrior, to be a person who loves in the face of hate & chooses peace & joy in the middle of a storm & lives with hope – even in the darkest places of life. I cannot wait to get to know you. I am excited to share with you | & I hope you find that place of strength in God like never before so that you can understand that you are CHOSEN, you are SPECIAL, LOVED, CALLED, you are VICTORIOUS, you are a WARRIOR!