It’s been a few years… I have been busy being a mom & learning how to do that well. 🙂
I have to say, I think it’s been going pretty well. haha – I decided when I had my first child that I would scale back on pushing anything personally like my website or podcast or traveling & speaking because I knew I would never get these seasons back. So, I wanted to be ALL in!
Looking back – I wouldn’t change anything. I would do it all over again because the last couple of years have been hard but also amazing. I had this thought & I wanted to share it with you… Years can pass us by and we don’t even know sometimes where the time goes, because we are busy with our job, our thing, our priorities… It was so freeing to set boundaries & focus on what mattered most to me. I will never get that time back with my boys. & yes, so many women talk about “losing themselves” or giving up what they want & I have even heard people say they regret it.
I have none of those feelings & truly, I am so honored & blessed that I was able to set aside what I like doing for who I love most! I can’t say that everyone can do that, but I am grateful & I think it mattered in our family & for my life. A lot can change, & if there is one thing that has changed in my life & heart in the last few years… it is seeing things from a mother’s perspective – knowing that something will live beyond me & that God has entrusted me to multiply the Kingdom in that way.
Recently I & Cole have embarked on something new together. In 2017 I started a “travel” Instagram for fun because we were going to all these places… & we all knew that this was a fun idea until 2019 happened & we had kids. 🙂 Haha, It seems funny now looking back that I did that but we both had known since 2017 that we wanted to help people together eventually. We didn’t have a detailed idea of how we wanted to do that because me & Cole wanted to grow as a couple as well as build a family – This was our focus… & it has been an amazing (almost) 7 years so far.
We have started a brand, which includes a podcast called, “We Are The Ambroses.” Ambrose means immortal & it is a play on the idea that when you accept Jesus into your heart, you step into immortality yourself! Our goal is to help people ask questions, research, as well as inform themselves about the truth in various realms. With the hopes of empowering people to live in the ultimate truth of God in every area!
If you want to check it out – click the buttons below!Â